6 Caregiving tips for keeping aging parents at home! The do's and don'ts .

"I had sworn to myself, I would never keep my mom there!" There are many who feel like you. "My mom and dad never wanted to be sent away!" It's an idyllic situation for your aging parents to be at home. If it's safe enough and they're not critically ill or injured, then home's the best place to be. But it requires some careful management on your part to help your parents age safely at home, and we're going to guide you with that! Step 1: Caregiving is tough! Remember caregiving is a tough job. There might be a variety of reasons to keep aging parents at home, but be sure you're caregiving right!. It's an active field of work that needs dedication and determination. There might be days you might feel stressed, have a quarrel, or feel unwell. But that's something one has to adapt to overcome with time, it's a task that requires 200% out of you and that is not stretchable for long. So the key thing is to go slow, take your ti...