No-meds! Caregiving tips to improve dementia symptoms at home.

Home exercise programs for dementia can drastically improve symptoms and increases overall functional abilities. It can reduce general symptomatic discomfort significantly. Dementia exercise therapy can be easily practiced at home for elders to enhance their overall health and quality of life. Movement exercises are chair-based, can be easily done at home, to encourage mobility in elders suffering from dementia. This chair-based exercise program encourages movement patterns and was used to improve symptoms of elders suffering from Alzheimer’s and related dementia. It improves: Memory functioning and cognitive abilities Reduces agitation and depressive episodes Helps maintain body balance Makes daily tasks easier to cope with BrioCare can help you understand this move towards an exercise program and how these exercises work. The instructions would help your loved ones to easily do these simple exercises at home with no additional equipment required. It's based on...